Cool Documents
IRC Planescape:
Torment chat.
A record of the IRC chat held. During
that time, people can ask any question
about the game. It hasn't been released
then. Check it out, contains humour
Torment Quotes by Sorcerer
A list of some of our favourite quotes
from the game.
Interviews with
Torment Staff by The Pit
Interviews done with sound developer,
writers and programmers by Calis and
Seamus. Check it out!
Fiction Stories @ The Pit
Lots of user submitted stories, plays
and comedies here. Time to have some
Fiction Comedy Interviews by Becker
A true website. Here, Becker creates
funny interviews with humour in them.
Check it out!
Planescape Torment
Story by Rhys Hess
An excellent work by Rhys Hess
of converting the whole game
to a story, complete with dialogues
and an expert writer. You got
to check this out. There are
4 versions to download:
Desktop Enhancements
Skin from Winamp.Com
A 3-star skin of Planescape Torment.
Surprisingly, this is the only Planescape
Torment skin at Winamp.Com. Download
+ Install.
Themes by Mridalmn
Two desktop themes, using extracts
from the core Planescape: Torment
files, complete with cursors, backgrounds,
Startup logo and Shutdown logo. Download
from Fileplanet.
Planescape Torment Videos
Torment Trailer
The Planescape Torment Teaser 15 MB with
Scenes that never appeared in the final
game, check it out! 2 links. AVI version.
Torment Trailer
An incredible trailer for this game with
extracts from the cut scenes, cool spell
effects .. check it out.
E3 Fancified
MPEG Movie
Lots of the scenes you saw from the original
trailer in addition to cool shots of gameplay.
I'm telling you -- you see where every one
of those extra megs gets put in. 2 links.