by Drew
Planet Baldur's Gate website's walkthrough.
Has a list of factions you can join
and how you can join. Walkthrough
is in long bullet form, with maps.
Check it out. External Link.
by BellaOnline
Bella Online website's walkthrough.
Just a Walkthrough, nothing else.
Similar to Steve Metzler's format.
Check it out. External Link.
by TheLocusInn
TheLocusInn website's walkthrough.
Excellent design, good walkthrough
with screenshots to accompany it.
Check it out. External Link.
by Intelligamer
The Intelligamer website's walkthrough
by Kerbe. Okay walkthrough. Comes
with map, but it seems incomplete.
Check it out. External Link.
by Germany Planescape Website
German Planescape website's walkthrough.
Has LOTS of stuff including a complete
item list, characters (including NPCs),
spells and much more! Check it out.
External Link.
by David Ryan Hunt
CDMag's walkthrough. A heavily framed(3)
page set within an okay walkthrough,
with screen shots and other stuff.
Check it out. External Link.
by Gamespot
Gamespot's walkthrough by Doug Radcliffe.
Covers specifics such as character
generation, allies, combat, enemies
and more. Excellent PDF guide also.
Check it out. External Link.